SMP Services

  • What is Scalp Micropigmentation?

    SMP is an innovative technique for camouflaging hair loss in men and women. Using a specialized SMP Pen, the technician implants pigment to replicate the appearance of hair follicles. Whether you want thicker-looking hair, more hairline definition, or to camouflage a scar, SMP offers the most natural-looking results.

    Nonsurgical and safe

    No recovery time

    Instant, permanent results


    Thinning slowly? Only noticeable when the light hits your scalp a certain way? WE GET IT! Whether you are male or female and you like to keep your hair long, we notice that our hair can seem to lose it fullness or thickness as we get older. By adding impressions on the scalp, we cast a soft shade on the scalp to blend in with your actual hair and result in a thicker look. This service is commonly used for women that want to add density to their “baby hairs” around the forehead and the natural part on the scalp. Are you a candidate? Let’s find out!


    Have you ever considered any form of hair loss solution, but never pulled the trigger on it because of the fear of it not looking natural? One of the biggest reasons SMP is chosen over many other services out there is because of how REAL our results look. Using industry-leading SMP machines, pigment, and medical-grade needles, we are able to create impressions that mimic real hair stubble in the most natural way.